Call of Duty American Rush 2 Highly Compressed Free Download
Call of Duty American Rush 2 is a first person shooter Game Published By Sunny. The single player is modeled after the Normandy breakout, where the British, Canadian, Polish, American, and French Resistance forces pushed into the village of Chambois, France, also known as the Falaise Gap. Unlike most other games in the Call of Duty series, the events in Call of Duty American Rush 2 are based on a single combined campaign, with the player being switched between the four nations and their respective characters for each leg of the story. There are 14 campaign missions.
Call of Duty American Rush 2
As Corporal Bill Taylor of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, the player starts off by playing a part in D-Day, at the assault of Pointe du Hoc, to destroy a German artillery battery, and hold it against a massive German counter-offensive in the following mission. Soon after, the player captures a nearby town and serves as a sniper against mortar crews until reinforcements arrive. The second objective is focused on Hill 400, involving the capture of Bergstein, a disastrous charge at Hill 400’s bunkers and the defense against the German counterattack, with the player again performing sniper work against German mortar teams, destroying enemy armor, and generally holding the hill against a massive counter attack, all the while burdened by artillery and overwhelming numbers of German soldiers. The final mission is set amongst the American Rush 2 in the Rhine River crossing into Germany. It begins as one of the few missions with the player immediately under fire, providing cover fire against the Germans until reaching the river banks and then fighting through most of the town. The final fight has the player defeat two German Tiger Is.

System= Pentium IV CPU 1.7 GHz
RAM= 512 MB
Size= 461.63 MB
Video Memory= 96 MB
OS= Windows XP Vista 7 and Windows 8